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"Zitti e buoni: at the School we talk about tolerance" is the seminar that celebrates the International Day of Tolerance

Zitti e buoni: a scuola si parla di tolleranza
Date From 16.11.2022 time
End Date To 16.11.2022 time

Piazza Martiri della Libertà, 33 , Pisa 56127 Italia

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On the occasion of the International Day of Tolerance, the Sant'Anna School organizes an event for citizens and students of Pisan secondary schools.

A seminar entitled "Zitti e buoni:  Schools  talk about tolerance" with the partecipation of Giuseppe Di Vetta, reasearch fellow in Criminal Law and Denise Amram, researcher in comparative private law at Dirpolis Institute of the Sant'Anna School.

Inspired by the famed lyrics  "fuori di testa, ma diversi da loro" (out of my mind but different from them) by Måneskin rock band, the concept of tolerance will be declined cross-sectionally with references to digital challenges and legislative initiatives on the subject, using tools and language tuned to adolescents and young adults. 

This seminar will tackle the principle of intolerance and enforce the concept pf non-discrimination for  the new generations, in the hope to foster a more inclusive society.

The event is open to the public with free admission.